⏰ Official trading hours

Hong Kong Futures Exchange

Hong Kong Futures Exchange is a stock exchange located in the city of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. This page contains detailed information on HKFE exchange's trading hours, market holidays, contact information and much more.

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Hong Kong Futures Exchange
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Official trading hours
09:15 - 16:00Asia/Hong Kong
Lunch hours
12:00-13:00Local time

When does the HKFE stock market open?

The countdown for the next opening & closing of the stock market. Get ready when Hong Kong Futures Exchange opens!

Current status
Time until opening
In your timezone


Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE) is a stock exchange based in Hong Kong, Hong Kong. The acronym or abbreviation for this market is HKFE. This page contains information on the trading hours, market holidays, contact information and more.


Hong Kong Futures Exchange is located in the country of Hong Kong.